Did You Get My Text? 5 Reasons Why You Should Communicate with Your Graphic Designer Through Email
As a freelance graphic designer, everyone wants to be able to reach you in the most convenient way possible. Quick responses and immediate results are what clients want. Most clients resort to texting and this seems to be the fastest way to communicate, but in reality this makes completing projects very difficult. Well after a few years freelancing, here are 5 reasons why texting is not the best way to communicate with your graphic designer:
Professional etiquette
In the professional realm imagine what life would be like if business was conducted through text messages and Facebook inboxes? Messages would be filled with abbreviations, emojis, GIFs and stickers. While these texting tools may visually help with decoding emotions and provoke snickers, this is just not the way to communicate professionally. You can’t text Mike at Target Copy about getting your prints done or Sarah at SunTrust to transfer that $100.00 from your checking account to your savings. You should also keep in mind that people take your business seriously depending on how you contact them. You’ll probably be taken as a joke inquiring on someone’s Facebook wall verses emailing him or her.
Cell phones get ignored
Have you ever ignored a text message or call from someone you didn’t want to speak with at the moment. Chances are you have because just about everyone does it. Texting someone about business is subject to be ignored because let’s face it our cell phones are for personal use anyways. Business lines are always the best way to communicate your thoughts, concerns and inquiries.
When business is involved, documentation will become your best friend. Failing to keep up with verbal commitments can lead to fabrications of actual events and details. No one wants to be called a liar when you were promised a discount on a design and the designer can’t remember. Or maybe you were told your design would be ready Tuesday and its now 2 weeks later. The easiest way to document those verbal commitments is by email. Those messages aren’t deleted until you delete them and you’ll always have the time and date of each message.
Poor signal/coverage
Cell phone signals play a big role in texting. With that being said it often happens that msgs are never retrieved due to being in a bad service area or not having a strong signal. At least with email, these attempts at communication week be saved as drafts versus being lost in cyber space.
Social media for most businesses isn’t meant to field orders.
So your on Twitter one day and all of a sudden you see a delicious ad for a Big Mac appear on your timeline. Now your craving a burger and you decide to tweet McDonald’s “@MickyDs Big Mac please! Hold the onions. Thanks!” More than likely your tweet went unnoticed or they replied back suggesting you visit one of their local stores. Same thing applies for your graphic designer. Most designers will redirect you to communicating via email rather than discuss business on a news feed or inbox. This way things are a lot more formal and private versus everyone watching preparing to post their memes in case of something embarrassing or confidential being said (you just Michael Jackson and his popcorn are going to show up to the party).
Remember when working and collaborating with others, you always want to be on the same page. Fluent communication is key to an business relationship and being able to have something to revert back to is also a good thing. Not only does it show that you care about you business, it also demonstrates that you are putting in the effort to maintain an healthy business relationship. Live to Inspire, Engineer your Dreams.